Marsh has been a leader and helped define the Australian risk management, advisory and insurance broking field since 1965. Marsh’s extensive global network brings together exceptional insights, expertise and services to help suit your business needs. 

Marsh in collaboration with Jobs Australia, provides smart solutions to empower your business. 

When you become a Jobs Australia Member, you can gain direct access to the Marsh team, their global specialists and local expertise, to help manage your business risk and insurance. 

Marsh has customised a range of services for Jobs Australia Members, and a dedicated support team is available to support and address any of your questions.

Blanket Cover Insurance Program

Jobs Australia’s Blanket Cover Insurance Program has been running for nearly 30 years. It is a comprehensive insurance package tailored for the Not for Profit sector, available to all current Jobs Australia financial Members. If you are a Jobs Australia Member you can subscribe to the Blanket Cover Insurance Program at any time.

Cyber &

Knowing how to manage potential risks will ensure you are on track to achieving your goals and implementing successful programs.

Workers Compensation

Through Jobs Australia, your organisation has access to a range of workers compensation policy support and claims and injury management services.

Private Health Insurance

Australian private health insurer, HCF, provides a 2% overall discount on selected products.

Bespoke Insurance

Jobs Australia, in partnership with Marsh, offers a bespoke suite of insurance services to Jobs Australia Members.

“Jobs Australia distribute the Blanket Cover Insurance Program in its capacity as an Authorised Representative (AR no. 1297448) of Marsh Advantage Insurance Pty Ltd. Marsh Advantage Insurance Pty Ltd (ABN 31 081 358 303, AFSL 238 369) (‘MAI’) arrange this insurance and are not the insurer. The information contained in this publication provides only a general overview of subjects covered, is not intended to be taken as advice regarding any individual situation, and should not be relied upon as such. Insureds should consult their insurance and legal advisors regarding specific coverage issues. All insurance coverage is subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the applicable individual policies. MAI cannot provide any assurance that insurance can be obtained for any particular client or for any particular risk. Jobs Australia receives a financial benefit when a policy is arranged by Marsh, enabling it to continue to provide further services to its Members. Copyright © 2022 Marsh Advantage Insurance Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.”

Financial Services Guide June 2022

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